Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Lots of Love and Some Light

Paula is so sweet. I know a lot of wonderful people and I am lucky she is among them. Her support, love, encouragement and wicked sense of humor - as they say, she is a keeper. Kinda still in a funk today and pretty horrendous with diet and exercise but with her help I readjusted my focus for the day. Instead of digging around for new leads I thought it would be a good day to connect with contacts that I have. It is good to network and let them know I am still on the job hunt. I got a positive response and although nothing firm, that pleased me greatly. It is good to stay on the forefront of minds.

In addition to Paula, I did have a couple wins today. I called my cell phone company to discuss my plan and options. Because of my conversation with them and my long term status as a customer, they gave me a month of free service - yay - it was awesome and totally unexpected! Also I was thinking about Zumba and how I am going to be able to squeeze the budget for more classes. An idea then dawned on me and I sent a message to the instructor to say I was wondering if we could work something out. I thought perhaps if I managed her social media - yes facebook (yack) but also a blog and craigslist posts, local exercise boards, and her email list - then I could get free classes. I have already brought her 5 new clients by just word of mouth and so she responded right away that she is highly interested and that we could talk more about it on Wednesday night.

I know it is all just how you see things but we all need help sometime to refocus, redifine, find and then see what is there, or can be there.

PS: I took this photograph myself and then modified it. I have to say, it came out amazing. I am getting good at this shit! Oh my.

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