Friday, September 09, 2011

And Then the Lights Went Out

Well I survived the Great Blackout of 2011. Around 3:45pm yesterday the electricity went off - everywhere. From friends in Mexico to way up in Orange County - we all had no power. The days have been really dark lately for me but everything was literally dark. Electricity really is amazing because I was very bored, very quickly without it. It was hot in my house so I sat on the deck for a long time, reading by candle light. I did talk a little on the phone but not much as it was hard to make and receive calls. I feel good that I read 200 pages but everything is just blah lately. It is so difficult to make sense of anything.

Today because my instructor has a new class location she gave a free class. Since it was free I was excited but I did not feel well most of the day. I still got it together and went. This new Friday class is held in a dance center. I am not sure if it is because I was not feeling well, or because it was hot, or because I was looking at myself the whole time in the mirror but I got very light headed. I thought at one point I would faint, so I sat down for one of the songs. Then I got back up and made it through the rest of the songs. Always the trooper.

It was really odd looking at myself the whole time. I am not sure what I thought about it. I rarely look at myself in the mirror. I supposed it made it good on two levels. I could see the progress I have made, which is a benefit, plus it helps me focus on making more progess. After class the instructor made me feel really good. She came over to see how I was and said to take it easy. She said she needs me in class because when she forgets the steps, she looks over to me to remember. That is an accomplishment. I will take that win.

Today they were saying on the news it was some worker's fault in AZ that caused the blackout for 5 million people. I find that to be so incredibly odd. One man tweaks something and then 5 million are without power. Seems the world is much more precarious that I thought. His day must have really sucked today.

Strange days indeed, but I am glad the lights are on.

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