Monday, July 11, 2011

Favourite Shirt

This evening I went to my 14th TOPS meeting and I lost 4 more pounds - yay. That is a total of 39 pounds - again yay! Not only did I get Loser of the Week (and my dollar) but they gave out awards for last month and I got three. I got one award for losing more than 10 pounds last month, one award for losing weight after coming back from a vacation (my recent trip to Boston) and one award for losing weight after a holiday (as there was no meeting on July 4th). They pinned my awards to me as you can kind of see below. I did not get loser of the month because you have to attend all the meetings and I missed one while in Boston. But that is ok as Mary got it instead and I love her. I told her to keep it up since the competition motivates me! I have already moved the awards on to my sash - yes I have a sash.

The other photo I took on Saturday for my mother. I was all excited because for the first time in ages my chest sticks out further than my stomach. She wanted a picture so I sent the below. I dug that shirt with the rainbow stripe out of a box of old clothes - as I am shopping in my own closet because it is cheaper than buying new clothes. I was excited that it fit so well. Although not a particularly special shirt, it is my new favorite shirt - which I guess does indeed make it a particularly special shirt.

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