Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Well what an end of the year! So much turmoil and I wound up getting terminated from my job. IT is a fist for me. It was a horror show so although worried I cannot say I am upset. New Year and new hopes. I will be in MA for Christmas being reminded of the blessings that I do have. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. I have plenty of time so I will be back to regular posts very soon!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


I want to keep my blog going as even if no one reads it at all, I write it for myself. Of course I am pleased when others read it but usually I forget there is a larger audience. I enjoy my blog tremendously but I am under siege as of late. I am not being a drama queen, work has just become tremendously difficult and I find it demanding and devouring all my energy. I will not go into to details in a public forum like this but will just leave it as, it has become a challenge. I will do my best to keep posting and will let everyone know when I feel like it is full steam ahead for regular posting again. I love and wish you all well.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where Has She Been???

This is amazing - I am so excited but have no idea how I have never heard of Cilla Black before when she is perfect. I love it all - the drama of the song (I so can picture it being sung in church), the heaps of 60's hair, the alien dress, the snaggle teeth, and she is British --- not a negative in the bunch. She is a little pixie with an enormous voice that is proud to be a bottle created red head. Why are there not singers like this anymore? Seriously I could not be any happier right now!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A New Religion?

I was texting with my niece because she just cracks me up. We have a very similar disposition and sense of humor so we gravitate toward each other. She was saying that she wanted to go see the new Harry Potter movie. I have not read any of the books nor seen the movies. I tried once but just did not get it and so stopped. Daniel Radcliffe is cute but Harry Potter is definitley lost on me. As the wiseguy that I am, to be silly I texted that I heard Harry dies in it and Hermoine is pregnant. My niece texted back that Harry sorta dies but he is ok. I said that I knew because I also heard that he rose on the third day and we all give thanks and praise. She of course died laughing at this and replied that she thought I had my stories mixed up. Literally 10 seconds after she replied my phone rang. It was my sister calling to say "Cut the shit!" HA - you know how many times I got that call! I am still laughing at myself.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

There is many reasons that I have to give thanks but in truth, mostly I am thankful to have 4 days off from work - yay! It is a good time to recharge my batteries and refocus my efforts. I hope you all have a fantastic day in whatever way you choose to enjoy it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Picture

I have no crazy stories about this picture and no witty lines to write. I simply came across this man on the internet, I admired him and the picture made me happy. It is that simple - I just have to remember to keep it that simple. OH and by the way this man is not Mexican, he is Indian - how is that for a curve ball!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Still Stuck on this Song

Como una promesa, eres tu, eres tu
Como una manana de verano
Como una sonrisa, eres tu, eres tu
Asi, asi, eres tu.

Toda mi esperanza, eres tu, eres tu
Como lluvia fresca en mis manos
Como fuerte brisa, eres tu, eres tu
Asi, asi, eres tu

Eres tu como el agua de mi fuente
(Algo asi eres tu)
Eres tu el fuego de mi hogar
Eres tu como el fuego de mi hoguera
Eres tu el trigo de mi pan

Como mi poema, eres tu, eres tu
Como una guitarra en la noche
Todo mi horizonte eres tu, eres tu
Asi, asi, eres tu

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Don't Know this Man

One funny night, one charity date, one major coincidence, one sweet good bye lunch and now a new friend. This is Jim - Rick's ex. I don't really know him but as our text and email exchanges continue, I am starting to. He is a wonderful man - kind, sweet, thoughtful and most enjoyable - thought provoking. I like seeing the world through his eyes as it is giving me a new perspective on my world. I had this set vision of him and yet he is so much more. I think a lot of people have it easy when it is not true. The human story is universal - we all have it the same. I get so singular and isolated that I forget. He reminds me and I like to be reminded.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Skinny Bitch

After Spanish class this week we went to the cheesesteak place around the corner from Rick's house. SOOOOO freakin yummy! He was like how many pictures do you need of me eating??? He cracks me up - he loves food and he loves to eat and he is still a skinny bitch. Spanish class with him is awesome, he is a great teacher. He keeps me reigned in and it is working out awesome. I still can't roll my r's but I don't even say them in English so it is not really even a goal of mine anyway.

Two Smiles I Know

I am not drunk in this picture - not at all. I had one red bull and one diet coke that night. I am just happy not to think of anything - distraction is the the road to destruction - I know it. A friend that understands, perhaps that is really not distraction but a healing. I am good at friendship - I know this too - and it makes me happy. Always wondering how I will leave my mark, I forget that I already have - with many people.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Michelle bought a house in Brookline, NH. It is great but I am still trying to wrap my head around that one. The population of Brookline is 5,000 people. Living in NYC she must see at least that many people on her way to work. But I have to hand it to her - she is amazing - she lives life and makes things happen for herself. She certainly actively participates in her life and does not just watch it go by. Plus look at this I found - there is both a covered bridge (how NH) and a lighthouse in Brookline. The lighthouse HIGHLY intrigues me as Brookline is land locked! You gotta love NH. Can't wait to visit. Congratulations! Live free or die baby :)

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Oh Muddy

Another friend's cat passed away - this is the 3rd I have heard about in as many months. So sad. Muddy had way too many paws but he was good and made Kym very happy. I am glad he got to spend so much time with a truly wonderful woman and friend. I am sorry for your loss Kym - companionship is important and Muddy was a great. I hope in your sadness you still remember the joy. I love you and I am sending you my best. Godspeed Muddy.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

I Am So Stuck on this Song

Some may say this song is cheesy since it is so basic and simple. For me simplicity equates beauty. It is not cheesy because it is simple, it is beautiful because it is simple. Life really is truly not difficult - people want to make it difficult. It is a hard trap to avoid and one I certainly fall prey at times. But when I see or hear or feel simplicity -- I know I am in the presence of beauty, profound and amazing. I listened to this song about a 100 times today - a change from my normal Carpenter's Sunday play list as of late but it elicits the same in me. I get down on myself a lot and I am very hard on myself often but as I enjoyed the incessant replaying of this song something struck me, in addition to its beauty, that made me feel good. I know Spanish fairly well - I understood every word of this song. I made that happen.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Thinking of Mary

When I worked at Bldg 19, I worked with Mary. She was from Wilmington also and she just killed me. She worked in the cash office and was forever making me recount my draw to get TTP, 'to the penny". TTP Scott - TTP! Tom and I would be like fucking TTP. Oh but she was so funny and the crap she took from us wiseasses, oh a good, good person. Well later in life I worked with Marie, who is Mary's daughter. Marie is living proof that the apple does not fall far from the tree as she is a peach also. Oh the laughs we had together. Marie was there when I was christened "Carson" - she even create this file on it that I still cherish. One time Marie, her fiance and myself went to NYC to visit Michelle - what a great trip - laughs, laughs and more laughs. I have said it before, my world is the size of a dime and I love that due to chance I got to know and enjoy both Mary and Marie. Well Mary is ill with pancreatic cancer. I feel awful because it having two friends in pain at once. Mary and Marie - you are both wonderful and my life is better for having you in it. Mary I wish you much comfort and many, many well wishes. Carson loves you both, and you know it!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Nothing big or crazy this year - like last year's awesome trip to New Orleans. I live in the middle of nowhere so no trick or treaters either. But it is all good - I still love Halloween. Hope everyone had a great one!

Something Enjoyable

This is Oscar. Below I wrote that lately I just work, eat and sleep. Then once a week a go to Spanish class and then either on Friday or Saturday night I go out. As of late when I do go out, I go out with Oscar. I know what people think and honestly I do not give a fuck. Perhaps it can be said it is distracting me from getting to where I want to be and that is one point of view. I see it as helping me get through what I need to get through. He is a nice kid - no games no BS - I seek nothing from him other than to put everything aside for a couple hours a week and he asks nothing of me in return. He is dependable, fun, and smart. He helps me practice my Spanish, feel alive and makes me smile. Those or very big needs of mine and I am happy he is around.

Something Serious

I really do not like my new job environment. I know this is a public space so will not write too much detail but I have not encountered anything like this ever. Hostile is the appropriate word for it and I am not exaggerating. So it has stressed me out and shut me down. One of the survival tactics I have used throughout my entire life is to hold tight. I have employed it in many, many situations to withstand and take as many punches and kicks thrown at me, in both the figurative and LITERAL senses. I can be come cast iron - it is an amazing thing and has saved me many times. However that cast iron mode takes a lot of energy and only serves to get me through the pain, not past it. Since I feel under attack I have gone into that mode and it has drained my energy. I work, eat and sleep for the most part. I go out once a week to Spanish class and then on Friday or Saturday night go out and drink to forget the week. Monday it all starts again.

I am glad that I have this ability but I cannot just stand here forever - frozen with the bruises just compiling up on each other. I need to get to action mode. Summons up my courage. Heal the bruises to my self-esteem and get the hell out of there. But I am tired, which I know is such a poor excuse and allows the attack to continue. But I also know I can do it. I just have to muster up the strength, grapple with my fears, and move forward.

I have started to assemble the troops. I know I cannot stay and I know the most drastic outcome is to sell my stuff and move back to MA with my parents. So plan A (staying at this job) is out of the question and plan C is my disaster plan - worst case scenario IF all else fails. I am glad I have a plan C - I am lucky to have that option but now I must work on plan B. Plan B is to find another job with a better environment where I am happy and contribute to my full potential. Plan B is a lot of work and a difficult ride to get on - change always is but man how much change have I been through these past 4 or 5 years and I am still me.

So, I am sorry if my posts have been spotty -- again cast iron mode take A LOT of energy. I love this blog and although I am not the most poetic or insightful guy and a lot of the times I am just indulgent and silly - but that is a gift. Small moments make me happy and so I enjoy them and so they are not insignificant. Oscar Wilde has written along the lines of how small moment steal away your life one second at a time -- I think the small moments create my life one second at a time.

Something Funny

I don't like the office - I had never seen a full episode but it's just bad. Stave Carell falls into the same category as Robin Williams and Jim Carey - which means he grates my nerves. I don't watch 30 Rock too much but wanted to see the live show they had recently out of curiosity. After I just left it on and watched the office. The episode was about the boss having a cold sore and finding out cold sores are herpes and calling his ex-girlfriends. It was stupid but I watched it. The only thing that made it funny was that when I went to work the next day JuanCarlos had a cold sore. I had never seen him with one and was surprised. I asked him if he saw the office last night but he had not. I asked him if he knew a cold sore was caused by herpes - he did not. Then he proceed to tell me how bad his wife gets them and his mother and brother and everyone. It started freaking him out a bit. I could not help it - I was laughing. Not at him but just the fact that I was living in a real life sitcom - that was what was making me laugh. Poor JuanCarlos - he such a good guy but I freaked him out.

Side note -- once I had something on my lip and my ex freaked out. He was so upset with me. He really got mad wanting to know why I was getting cold sores when I never got them before. I was all confused - I did not know why I was getting one (although stress does trigger them lol). My parents get them all the time - always have - especially my mother. So it is a surprise that I do not get them, although it is not like I french kiss my mother - HA. My bother (the good son) he gets them too which brings me a small bit of joy. Well the ex was really mad at me - gave me a big hassle. He thought I was up to bad things. Yes that is me, Casanova - running all around town. Turned out that thing on my lip was a pimple. You ever get one of those - right on the edge of your lip? So messed up and painful. He was happy it turned out just to be a pimple but he never apologized.

Serious -- did I really just post all this about cold sores and pimples??? I am struggling for content here people. I wanted to write about how funny it was to have my life mimic a sitcom but boy did I get off tangent.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What A Great Teacher

I started back up Spanish classes with Rick. He is such a great teacher. Of course because I am with Rick I want to just be silly but actually I focus and am learning a lot. He is patient and keeps me rounded in plus is great at explaining things. Sometimes I am such a child and use the word "why" way too much. My verbs are coming along nicely but the best part is usually we go out after for an adventure. After class this week we went to a Chinese restaurant in North Park called Chop Suey. It has this elaborate facade so I have been dying to go to it for ages. Turns out it has been there since 1933! It was built just after they put in the art deco theatre next door. That is kinda cool - actually way cool. Of course this is California so the food sucked but the story and the company were great - so I loved it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yay Another Day

I don't know how or why but today was a better day than yesterday. Humans are just remarkable like that! I rained all day today - I mean really rained. That is so strange for out here. It weirds people out but I like the change. Nothing amazing happened today and although I am not jumping for joy - I do have a small sense of happiness today. I just do the best I can.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Today was a horrid day. Nothing went right and nothing got any better. I just took a percocet and I am about to turn off all the lights and figure out how to convince myself that tomorrow is a new day with a new start and new potential. I mean how many times can I tell myself that. It is craziness to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Although I read a story about a guy that played the same exact lottery numbers every day for 9 years and then won millions. He did the same thing every day with conviction and one day he got drastically different results. Well I am going to let everything go for today. I will take a deep breath and see what I can muster up for tomorrow. Good night.

Oscar's Favorite Song

Such a strange song and funny video. It is a bit addicting and Oscar loves it. I have real things to say and write about but instead I will just let my brain take a break and play this instead. i don't even know what it is about but it works.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thinking of You

Racial Profiling

I was craving KFC today. It is so bad for you but it happens. Instead I went to Church's to try them out as I have never been there. What an experience! Honestly the woman in front of me ordered 50 pieces - I was like is this chicken or crack? But what got me is that the cashier asked everyone else in Spanish if they wanted, "Picoso o Original (Spicy or Original)". When ordered I did not get the same question everyone else did - instead I just got handed my order, "Original" flavor. I totally noticed that I was racially profiled however as I devoured my crack - I mean fried chicken - well I did not mind at all. The only think I could think of was "Damn I am sooooo happy there is not one of these closer to me!".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Worst Post Ever

I want to write something but I don't know what. That is not good. I know I usually just prattle but I am kinda blank. I am not egotistical - I do not think the stuff I write here is important. And a lot of time it is just for me. Of course now I am wondering if it is something bigger? Is my life in a rut? Lately it is definitely mostly Work Eat Sleep much more than Pray Eat Love. I also know others are going through much bigger things but that is not fair to myself. I mean it is all perspective and just because it is not monumental to most does not mean it is not monumental to me. At times I think it is a mid life crisis - although living to 86 - that is not something I have ever considered or truly believe is in the cards for me. Maybe I am just lonely, but I will not complain about that as I am not doing anything to resolve that situation. Rick told me last night he is lonely - I was surprised to hear it. I know he is not superman but I do put him way too high on a pedestal. He deserves to be on a pedestal but does not mean he can't feel lonely at times. I am not down - I am definitely not out - but I don't know what I am. Perhaps that is what I need to do, define myself. Oh me, me, me --- see this post is living up to its name.

I Kinda Like This Photo

It just has way too much going on - a bit like a rorschah test - I like it.
Plus Oscar is a good guy. Can you spot him in the picture?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I meet up with Rick once a week for 2 hours of Spanish class. He is a great teacher and I get to focus on exactly what I want so it is good. Tonight after class we went to the local taco shop - no not as a field trip, simply because we were hungry. I saw carne asada fries listed on the menu. I was curious and Rick said they were awesome. I passed but he got them. The kinda looked good for some messy reason but I had two bites and was queasy - ugh. Definitely too much of a good thing. Rick dug right in and was happy as a clam. I was facinated by it all but a little horrified too! All this and he still has a 28 inch waist - the little bastard.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

This is How I Feel on 10 10 10

Well it is a new day and not only that but it is 10 10 10! This is a great day to start a new chapter. It is 90 degrees out so I am going to do exactly as this song says and go out for a walk. Excercise is going to be a good part of my new chapter. Hope you have a great day too!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Ants in my Car

I have ants in my car! How strange is that? I have never encountered this before. There is no food in there so I am not sure what they want. I tried to look at as a positive in that they are company for my longer commute to work but truthfully I do not appreciate the extra passengers - especially since they never kick in for gas money. But now I have something on my to do list today - expel the ants! Wish me luck.

Best for Both

This story has come to an end. No drama - no craziness so I am pleased about that as I am sure you are too. I will miss you though and think about you on occasion in the future. It is only normal. Thank you for everything.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Note to Self

Ok we all play that game and assemble what would be the on the soundtrack for the movie version of your life - right? We all do that - right? Anyway I do and I want this song in there and this version too. I don't know where it would fit but I just love it (although it bugs me a bit that they cut the huge note at the end of this video version). Just a beautiful song, I love a lot.

That Is Sad To Hear

I read Judy's blog once in a while because I get curious. I stay away other than that though because I know I bring her unhappiness. I saw that one of her cat's passed away. Very sad. I remember when she got them. I know how much comfort and happiness they bring her. I can only imagine the loss. But she is always good to them so I know they had a good life but still it is sad.

Monday, October 04, 2010


Downtown TJ is becoming an artist's haven. With a bunch of empty store fronts and low rents, the artists are moving in and putting in work to make the place nice as well as pretty cool. I walked around the other day and here are some of the pictures I took. Enjoy.

I Am?

Well perhaps I am not quite there but I am trying. Somedays I am definitely closer than others. But to quote Abba, "That's the Name of the Game".

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunshine, Rainbows and Lollipops

Yesterday I was a little challenged to see the bright side. I was lured to the dark side and did a touch of wallowing. And then today I got a glimmer both figuratively and literally. I came across something that may be a very positive avenue and so I jumped on it right away. Who knows if it will pan out, it really could but at least I took action. I put myself out there and I will keep you definitely posted if it fixes that alternate universe problem I have. Then as I left work - tired, not quite feeling 100% I looked up and there was a rainbow. No rain = no rainbows so trust me it was a welcome and exciting site. Everyone saw it and everyone had the same reaction - exuberance. Nothing like a rainbow to pull you back to your senses!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Grass is not Greener

I know this is true. I appreciate what I have and keep moving in a good direction. But some days the dark light beckons to me and I cannot resist. I know life is all challenges for everyone but sometimes I just don't have the energy to talk myself off the ledge. Jane called - she is very positive without being condescending. It was great to hear her voice. It pulled me back to the good light. Tomorrow is a new day and I am prepared to fight the good fight. Of to bed now to get a full night sleep and prepare for happiness.

There is a Story There

But some stories are better left unsaid. Unsaid though makes it feel like a secret and secrets can be corrosive. Hmmmm the quandary. There is value and a place for it all but I keep thinking it is time to create an ending for this story - and I am not good at that at all. Hmmmmm sorry but that is the most sense I can make right now.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ahhhh Owl

I only post this because I think it is soooo freaking cute!!! I swear I have not started herion usage but I just love it! Sometimes things make you happy, go with it :)

Alternate Universe

Wow - I must have fallen through a worm hole or something. I just don't know what to do about the changes I have experienced lately. I am afraid to go to much in detail because of prying eyes and I am fine, personally. It just seems like I took the wrong pill and am in wonderland? I have not encountered people like this so concentrated - all so territorial, weak, and continually pointing fingers. I made a conscious decision to stay and make things work for me. Of course no one can control change 100% and those that do have severe OCD. My aim is to manage change and still an unexpected change happened that I am struggling to manage. I am not complaining woe is me - I am just trying to access fully the situation so I do what is best for me. It is what we all should do. Serious though this is gonna be a challenge. I feel up to it - as long as I can contain this intense desire to stand and say,"What the fuck?".

What About Me

I have said this many times but I get so stuck on things. Most the time Michelle rescues me with her iron clad memory, but others have come to the rescue as well. But at times I just get a glimmer or flicker of something and it sticks there as I am try to remember what it is that I am trying to remember. Well this song kept flashing in my head - serious for months now but finally EUREKA. Here it is and I am so happy - mostly because it will be now be purged from my thoughts during the shower and commute. Actually I never saw this video before. I will admit that I obsessed a bit over it this weekend. I never knew what this singer looked like and he so does not match that voice. I totally love his 80's hair which even if he still has the same cut would work today. Of course the borderline gay french navy shirt kills me but I still cannot deny it looks great on him. What is the zenith though is that snaggle tooth -- it is not totally messed up, just perhaps a bit snarled from a pub fight or too. If you did not know, the heat is insane out here lately and I think that I may be losing brain cells. You won't but really, click play and then tell me, "What about me?".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Look at Lisa - I just love her! I got to visit with her recently during my super quick visit to Boston. We sat on the deck enjoying a fantastic fall afternoon but more over enjoying many laughs after years and years of friendship. She just glows and is beautiful, again I just love her!

More Reasons to Love Kobey's

Good Vibes

So I need a touch of good luck and thus purchased a bamboo plant while Senor Matt and I were at the swap meet during his recent visit. Just to make sure it really will bring good luck Matt is pictured here infusing it with even more than it naturally comes with.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I Demand a Recount!

They had a show on VH1 that was a countdown of the to 100 Artists of all time. Yes there was a lot of good entries but Blondie was not on the list - WTF???? Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, and George Michael all made this list but not Blondie - who the hell was counting those ballots???? Blondie took that 50's fab girl and went downtown, way downtown, to have fun and get dirty. Debbie Harry is the prototype - she set the standard. She ruled and rocked the 70's and people still are not over it. There would be no Madonna, Britney, Lady Gaga, and countless others if there never was never Blondie. Not only did she tell the man to fuck off but she fucked the man. I mean all the shit she has done and given and been through and she tops it off by living through it all. That takes balls and she has them!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Of Course I Do

I was with Rick recently and I was telling him a story. He enjoys my stories and listens so well. As I chatted on he stopped me and said let me see the picture. It made me laugh with joy like you cannot believe! First because he knows me that well so it wasn't even like, "Do you have a picture?" Second because of course I did have a picture!!!!!! There is nothing complex about me - and I am happy about that.

It Just Happens

There is a downside to being emotional but there is a great upside. When I meet somebody and in 10 minutes I have summed them up to see their greatness and brilliance -- well I am just in love and there I stay no matter what. Above is Karen to the left and Carol to the right - two women I used to work with and they are so great. Carol is super and I enjoyed both working with her but also was always impressed with her personal kindness - so sweet. Karen -- well she sends me into that outer stratosphere - still at my age I am constantly impressed and happy people like her exist. Maybe it is because of her wonderful Midwestern ways and point of view - maybe it is her inner strength or phenomenal personality - maybe it is just everything combined into one but I love her! It just happens to me - I know when someone is special and I appreciate it and I feel this way about so many people I know - most the people I know, that is why I know them. I can't name names for fear for forgetting someone but I love so many people - genuinely - they make me smile, regardless if they are around to see that smile or not. I just have always known that truly special and good people are not to be discarded or taken for granted and because of that I stand in awe and love endlessly people like Karen. I kick myself so often for my bad decisions - of which I do have plenty - but I should list all the good decisions - all the good people that made sure to enjoy and let them know I enjoy.
PS Even writing this post and just thinking about Karen - I am smiling and giggling and feeling great -- that is an remarkable power some people posses - and I get to enjoy it.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Dumi Dumi Dumi

This is my friend Dumi. He is such a good, good man. Very handsome and sexy yes but also just a truly good guy. No games, no hassles - real and genuine. Recently Dumi had his heart broken. He was so upset. We talked about it. I have no answers and talk way too much in general but I can listen very well at times and usually that is all someone needs or wants. Once in a while it is difficult though - I mean, again, he is such a good, good man - who would want to be mean or cruel to him? It baffles me. I am definitely not happy for his sadness but it does remind me that it does not matter who you are as there are only like 3 stories in this world. The names and locations change but at the end of the day we all experience the same things and have been since beginning of time. The world is crazy. Seriously I am not biased because he is so cute - he has a heart of gold and someone treated it like it was tin. I reminded him that one day someone even better will recognize and appreciate that heart of gold. It made him feel good and not just because it was something nice to say but because I was sincere and he knows, as well as I do, that it is true.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Michelle's Memories

Today is Michelles' birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Knowing this I thought it would be a good day to reach into that memory jar and see what it has in store. The message said, "That summer we went to all those weddings We were the best guests". I so remember all those weddings! It was like dominoes. Everyone seemed to fall into the same place in life at the same time. I cannot count how many times we heard "Oh What a Night" by the Four Seasons and yet each time we jumped up and danced as exuberant as ever. Yes we were the best guests!

Then I got thinking about Michelle's wedding. Oh she was so beautiful plus I got to see her mother in NYC! What an extra treat! I can count on one hand how many times I saw her mother outside of her own house so to see her in NYC - very cool, even if she was nuts the whole time. Well Michelle was so happy that day and had a blue wedding cake that was incredibly yummy. I was there with my ex and I will admit it, I was proud to be sharing this day with him. We stayed with Matt who is always so awesome. It was just great all around. So although yes we went to a lot of weddings that summer and were awesome guests --- the wedding I enjoyed the most, well that was Michelle's! Seeing a good friend radiant -- that means the world to me. Happy Birthday - I love and miss you VERY much.

Juan Loco

Juan Carlos at work is so great. He is really a nice guy. He wanted to go out with me and his wife so we did. It was a lot of fun. He is so kind and considerate. It makes me happy to know there are people in this world like him and that they appreciate me. Friends are a reflection on who you are as a person. I like the reflection he gives. It is a bummer that I will not see him as much soon as he works in Carlsbad and I am more and more in La Jolla but good friends are worth it all in the end.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Crack Head

I got a new photo card for my camera. Instead of cleaning off the full ones I just buy a new one - I know, I know - leave me and my craziness alone. When I got in the car I took this picture to try my new card and it just makes me laugh. It is the dumbest looking picture, I cannot help but crack up. I am the only crack head on the face of the earth that does not do crack, I swear!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Guess It is Hot

Seems record high temperatures have been recorded all over the world this summer. It has been relatively cool here. Although once in a while it has been scorching.