Sunday, October 31, 2010

Something Funny

I don't like the office - I had never seen a full episode but it's just bad. Stave Carell falls into the same category as Robin Williams and Jim Carey - which means he grates my nerves. I don't watch 30 Rock too much but wanted to see the live show they had recently out of curiosity. After I just left it on and watched the office. The episode was about the boss having a cold sore and finding out cold sores are herpes and calling his ex-girlfriends. It was stupid but I watched it. The only thing that made it funny was that when I went to work the next day JuanCarlos had a cold sore. I had never seen him with one and was surprised. I asked him if he saw the office last night but he had not. I asked him if he knew a cold sore was caused by herpes - he did not. Then he proceed to tell me how bad his wife gets them and his mother and brother and everyone. It started freaking him out a bit. I could not help it - I was laughing. Not at him but just the fact that I was living in a real life sitcom - that was what was making me laugh. Poor JuanCarlos - he such a good guy but I freaked him out.

Side note -- once I had something on my lip and my ex freaked out. He was so upset with me. He really got mad wanting to know why I was getting cold sores when I never got them before. I was all confused - I did not know why I was getting one (although stress does trigger them lol). My parents get them all the time - always have - especially my mother. So it is a surprise that I do not get them, although it is not like I french kiss my mother - HA. My bother (the good son) he gets them too which brings me a small bit of joy. Well the ex was really mad at me - gave me a big hassle. He thought I was up to bad things. Yes that is me, Casanova - running all around town. Turned out that thing on my lip was a pimple. You ever get one of those - right on the edge of your lip? So messed up and painful. He was happy it turned out just to be a pimple but he never apologized.

Serious -- did I really just post all this about cold sores and pimples??? I am struggling for content here people. I wanted to write about how funny it was to have my life mimic a sitcom but boy did I get off tangent.

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