Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What About Me

I have said this many times but I get so stuck on things. Most the time Michelle rescues me with her iron clad memory, but others have come to the rescue as well. But at times I just get a glimmer or flicker of something and it sticks there as I am try to remember what it is that I am trying to remember. Well this song kept flashing in my head - serious for months now but finally EUREKA. Here it is and I am so happy - mostly because it will be now be purged from my thoughts during the shower and commute. Actually I never saw this video before. I will admit that I obsessed a bit over it this weekend. I never knew what this singer looked like and he so does not match that voice. I totally love his 80's hair which even if he still has the same cut would work today. Of course the borderline gay french navy shirt kills me but I still cannot deny it looks great on him. What is the zenith though is that snaggle tooth -- it is not totally messed up, just perhaps a bit snarled from a pub fight or too. If you did not know, the heat is insane out here lately and I think that I may be losing brain cells. You won't but really, click play and then tell me, "What about me?".

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