Saturday, November 27, 2010

A New Religion?

I was texting with my niece because she just cracks me up. We have a very similar disposition and sense of humor so we gravitate toward each other. She was saying that she wanted to go see the new Harry Potter movie. I have not read any of the books nor seen the movies. I tried once but just did not get it and so stopped. Daniel Radcliffe is cute but Harry Potter is definitley lost on me. As the wiseguy that I am, to be silly I texted that I heard Harry dies in it and Hermoine is pregnant. My niece texted back that Harry sorta dies but he is ok. I said that I knew because I also heard that he rose on the third day and we all give thanks and praise. She of course died laughing at this and replied that she thought I had my stories mixed up. Literally 10 seconds after she replied my phone rang. It was my sister calling to say "Cut the shit!" HA - you know how many times I got that call! I am still laughing at myself.

1 comment:

Kymberly Calvo said...

Scott, that story cracked me up too!