Monday, April 06, 2009

Purple Sucks!

The 31rst was the last day for the majority of my employees. One of them was a supervisor. She and I just never connected nor saw eye to eye. I tried so hard but finally I just gave up. She refused to make any type of decision, big or small, regardless of how much I encouraged her. Of course if you make a decision then possibly you could fail and she was way too far above that. Also she blurred the lines between supervisor and rep and became much too personally involved. It is good to have a personal connection with your employees, however hers hindered from taking the tough actions that sometimes you have to do as a supervisor. All that being said, I am not as much of an egomaniac as to not realize that I can often be someone's idea of a very bad cup of tea.

Well her favorite color is purple. She only uses purple ink, frequently wears purple, got a purple rose tattoo, and even her car is purple so you know she had that baby custom painted. Whatever, guess it is good to have a passion. For this past Christmas I got her a purple leather stitched frame and a gift card. The frame was actually very nice except for the hideous color but she swooned over it and immediately put a picture of a recent family event in it and went on and on about how fantastic it was.

There is no ifs, ands or buts about it - getting laid off sucks. Everyone deals with it differently and she apparently felt I had some personal enjoyment or professional gain by closing the department. I have broad shoulders though and thought to myself, "Go ahead make me Satan if that is how you have to cope with this to get through it and move on". As she was leaving on the 31rst she gave me a very sweet card filled with kind sentiments and looking to stay in contact, it touched me. I was happy to know that although we usually did not see eye to eye she could recognize it was time to let bygones be bygones and move on to a new chapter.

Today as I was packing stuff up and I was in her old cube. It was completely emptied - not a pen, piece of paper, paper clip NADA but in the lower left draw I did notice one thing - the box to the fame I had given her. I lifted it out of the draw to throw it out and that is when I noticed the frame was it in. How incredibly puerile! Obviously this minor slight was of major importance to this incredibly small person and somehow made her feel good. Such a good Christian hypocrite. Fearful to say anything to my face other than her with her oh so sweet card but awful ballsy to let her rudeness fly in the guise of a covert action.

To you bitch I say -- thank fucking Christ I am not going to your good Christian heaven or ever have to deal with your petty childishness ever again. I would say good luck but obviously it would be a waste of breath.

However the positive light is that someone else in the building saw the box with the frame on my desk and raved over the dammed color. I instantly gave it to her and she could not have been anymore thrilled. She told me how it would go perfect with her brightly colored home office and that she had the perfect picture for it. All is well in my world and I have a smile.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

WOW - Like WOW. How Petty. Well you being the thoughtful person that you are - you having that gift of always knowing what someone likes, even when you hate them lol - talk about sad and petty. Oh well, she'll carry that anger, you let it out in a blog and let it go. Somehow I think two years from now she'll still be thinking of the way she got you back ::eyeroll::