Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Barber

Sometimes I feel pressure that I need to do exciting or interesting things so that I will have stuff to post here. Perhaps the pressure is from actually having the delusion that I do post interesting stuff here, ha. Well I had a touch of the flu and have been taking it way easy to get better. So the most interesting thing as of late is that my barber sent me an email. No not just to me, to all the email addresses of his customers but it just made me laugh. I love going to see Andy because although he is not cheapest in town he just loads me up with all the local skinny. Plus this cracks me right up because some people act like I live in a war zone. I'm not sorry that I like that my city which has character because it is not just all track housing and yet that is what seems to detract from it for others. Most people have the impression that it is less than the utopia of other cities because it lacks the prefab facade of golden happiness that absolutely litters SoCal. If I get a job closer to the city then I will most likely move to San Diego but if I do then I will do so knowing that Escondido worked well for me and I was happy there. My freaking barber is going on a road trip vacation with his family, how Mayberry is that. Along with the picture came this message - I am so happy to put this on my blog so I can enjoy it for a long time.

Hello all! Just wanted to send a quick note to say our road trip is coming up soon. I will be here through next Saturday, April 25th (the first day of my return will be Saturday, May 9th and I expect to send out a brief reminder.)

As always, I'm available for appointments before I open or, if you're running late, just give me a call and I'll be glad to wait for you.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Is this the guy with the Parrot?

He is HANDSOME - i'd go to him too!