Sunday, April 26, 2009

Its Like Butter

When I left MA I left so much behind. Sure what treasures I came in with, I left with but the vast majority of stuff I just left. It is only stuff after all and what I was looking to save was myself and that is the most priceless thing I have. I do get stuck on things though as everyone know and it just drove me nuts that out of all the many, many nice pieces of fiestaware I left behind - it was killing me that I left the butter dish. Can you believe that? An innocuous like thing like a butter dish and yet that is the item that was nagging in my head. It just drove me insane! Every time I went to the fridge and saw my butter sitting there it was like a nagging, neon sign of giving up. Recently I cleaned through a lot of stuff and posted it to ebay. I have made $400 so far and still have some auctions to go but more over it is helping me reduce the clutter in my life. Items are not important and the important items I have I use - those I don't use, I need to clear on out. So I decided that I was going to use most of the ebay money for upcoming birthdays and Christmas for my family. However I chiseled away at myself until I finally decided that I was gonna splurge get a new butter dish too.

I surfed around and then came across the perfect butter dish. It is fiestaware and it is two colors. I like to have bunches of colors in my fiestaware and when I got my salt and pepper shakers I actually went down a side aisle so I could open the box and make the set mismathced of two colors instead of one. OMG I would have died if I got questioned for shoplifting - which I was not. I paid for the shakers but I just wanted two colors - again as I said, stuck. And here advertised was a fiestaware butter dish of two colors - ah I just love when the stars align!

I now have my butter dish and it is the perfect one! I am clearing out my life of clutter and look forward to keeping a neat and organized household, part of my new year resolution. But best of all I did the most important thing and saved myself. In doing that I re-energized myself and I look forward to the new me that I am creating and moving him forward into the future.

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