Saturday, April 18, 2009

15 Minutes

I have been talking with this guy for awhile now. We met up a couple times and he is a nice guy. He is 45 and from Chicago and is Italian American and Catholic - a lot of similarities. One big difference was that he was formerly married and has joint custody of his 3 high school aged kids. The wife cheated and they got divorced. After the divorce he did some soul searching and came out. Kinda interesting. We last Saturday since Dianne could not make it we decided to get together. We spoke at about 2pm and made plans for 7pm. I told him I would call him with directions at 6pm. I called at 6pm and gave the directions and asked if it could be 7:15pm that we meet instead. He asked why and I said because I did not want to be late. He asked why would I be late and I said time had gotten away from me that afternoon and I just wanted to make sure he was not waiting around. He asked me what I was doing that time got away from me. Ok so at this point he has not answered my question but asked me plenty and I did well at first but now I am annoyed! I said, "Look I do not punch a time clock at work, I certainly do not punch one on a Saturday. I apologize if this has made it difficult for you but if you want to cancel then I am ok with that". Stern I know but it was not unwarranted or unprovoked as he really pushed me on this 15 minutes. He changed his tune and was all oh no no no that is no problem, sure 7:15pm is no worries at all. I said, "Good. Thank You".

Later of course it came up, he brought it up and I knew he would. I told him that I did not like how he pushed me and reminded him that he asked me 3 pointed questions without answering mine. He said he did not realize that he did it. I told him that I understand he is the Dad and is used to setting the schedule but I have my own Dad and still set my own schedule. I told him that I thought it would be more polite for me to ask for the 15 minutes instead of just assuming it would be ok if I was 15 minutes late. He got it and apologized. We actually had a nice night other than that. He is very pleasant and a great sense of humor too. We laughed quite a bit.

Kicker to it all is that I got done what I needed to do and was at the meeting place at 7pm anyway. I figured I would be, but had to run to a couple of stores and got myself worried that I would not have enough time. Go figure.

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