Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Will Miss You

My brother-in-law's mother passed away today. I truly loved this lady. She could talk the paint off a wall and I was riveted. Eleanor was always incredibly kind and sweet to me and she just adored that I was a great audience. She grow up and Maine and would tell me all these crazy stories of her summers working on the pier at Old Orchard Beach. One of my favorites was how she met Tennessee William because he summered up there and so she got to know him. According to her he we was always dapper (can you imagine that?) and light as a breeze (now that one makes sense). As she slyly put it, all the ladies swooned over him but he did not bother them too much other than to chat. How could I not be riveted? If the story was solely about working summers at seaside boardwalk pier I would have been thrilled with just that, but Tennessee Williams - simply amazing. She had not done well in the past eight years since her husband passed. She missed him something terrible and was a bit lost because of it. But regardless she never ceased to tickle me with amazing stories at every family function. I love you very much Eleanor. I don't remember so well but I will never forget you, never.

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