Thursday, November 21, 2013

Going Forward

Well things are moving but it is stressful.  This finance stuff prays on my mind but I am doing my best to work it out.  I just get myself scared then I freeze then I snap out if it eventually and accomplish stuff but then I get scared all over again.  That is a very strange cycle and it lingers with me.  I need to commit to some decisions but it is hard for me to sign on the dotted line.  I know it is good for me and will open up my options but it doesn't mean it is not difficult.  I am ok though, I am in good spirits for the most part.  I need to make a better day time schedule for myself but my part time job is keeping me on track.  I am still dealing with the suddenness of losing my last job.  They unexpectedly let another manager go so there is something going on behind the curtain for sure.  I took care of some medical things this week, I go to the lawyer's again tomorrow and I need to explain this all to my mother.  That is a lot to end the week on but it all needs to be done.  I wish I could fast forward to the good parts but in reality I cannot get to the good parts with just a push of a button.  But that just makes me enjoy the good part all that much more.

1 comment:

Kymberly Calvo said...

This too shall pass. File for unemployment if you haven't already, and can. Create a list of your next steps. It may help you worry less with the plan in front of you. Your mother will worry but she will be supportive. This journey is to take you to a better place. Wade through the the meantime keep up with your weight loss group and your treasurer duties. Ride your bike. Quit smoking to save money and your health ;) You are strong, don't let negative nelly tell you otherwise, ignore that inside voice. I am thinking of you!