Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday turned into a day full unexpected surprises.  One I posted below and one I will posted here and one I will post in the future.  I did not have plans for Thanksgiving and I was ok with that.  I have cleaning and exercise to do plus a day off is always welcome.  It seemed most people are headed out of town.  My friend Michael that I worked with in Temecula and I still am in touch with often - texted me on Wednesday night.  He asked what I was up to and invited me up for dinner.  I have not seen him in a while or meet his new baby so I accepted.  I used to work with his wife also and have met his family before so it I am pleased.  I am also super thankful for all my blessings and at the top of that list are friends.  Friends are the people in the world who wish to be in your life for no other reason than they enjoy you.  There are a lot of joys and important things is this world but friends have always been one of my most cherished treasures.  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and enjoys time also with what they cherish the most.

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