Monday, October 15, 2012


This post is not about this bush in the yard that I am obsessed with.  I don't even know what kind of bush it is but I get this view of it every day and it just fascinates me.  What this post is about is something that I have never said before.  This will actually be the first time I even verbalized it but I have been thinking a lot for a while and definitely over this weekend that perhaps it is time to end my CA adventure.  It is not drama and I am not upset.  I just am not sure what is left to this adventure and am thinking a lot about MA.  Maybe it is that getting sick at 3:30am and having to go to the hospital alone scared me.  Erin, Juan Carlos and Carla all live 5 minutes from me and I know they would have helped me but I still felt very alone.  I know you get out of anything what you put into it and I have put in a lot.   I do not feel defeated or conquered, quite the opposite actually.  I have done stuff that I never thought I was capable of.  I am a bit tired of the struggle and know that it won't be absolute heaven 100% of the time regardless of where I live.  But at least I will have family dinners and parties at times and I like that idea.  I am not sure where I am going with this post.  I am also not sure what else I want to accomplish.  Perhaps I need figure out what I want to accomplish and then it will be easier to see where I want to accomplish it.  In the meantime I will continue to look at the bush and enjoy it.

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