Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Accidental Awful Uncle

I posted in my blog before that I like sending little things to the kids and often I send scratch tickets to the older ones because they are exciting and easy to mail.  I also talked about how I had fake tickets to send them but just could not as it would not be a funny joke, just a mean one.  I did though send the Mexican scratch tickets that I got.  I let my nieces know that they were from Mexico and they were real.  My niece that goes to school in Virginia is very lucky and wins a lot of things like raffles and lotteries.  She called me all excited because she won 100 dollars - omg!  At first I was like WOW then was like heeeyy wait a minute - those tickets are from Mexico that is NOT 100 dollars but 100 pesos which converts to about 8 dollars.   OH MY!  She was so mad!  I went from awesome uncle to awful uncle and it was so not my fault. I apologized up and down and she said it was ok because with 8 dollars she can still enjoy a couple visits to Starbucks.  So bad of me I totally did not think of the pesos vs dollars factor when I mailed the tickets although now I am still wondering why a college student would be thinking a Mexican lottery ticket would pay out in US dollars - hmmmm.

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