Sunday, May 08, 2011

Americans Love to Make Stuff Up

I hope you had a wonderful Cinco de Mayo. While there was a famous battle in Mexico on that day - it really is a made up American thing, kinda like St. Patrick's Day. Perhaps it gives Americans - since we are a melting pot - a chance to enjoy others. It is not such a bad thing since normally Americans can be so geocentric and forgetful of how big the world is. Jane's daughter made two things in celebration of Cinco de Mayo at school. First is a poncho made from a paper bag - which I quickly christened as "bago-o de mayo" and second is a seed landscape made of quinoa, corn and red peppers. The landscape is cool as it really does look like the landscape here - well done - plus I keep thinking it would be good to eat :) I only wish she was modeling the bag-o - how awesome would that have been - lol.

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