Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Oh Mister

He came to me with joy in his heart and a smile on his face. He told me good news and I was happy for him, truly. I want for him a world of only happiness for him, although I know it is not possible. Yet through my sympathetic happiness, I was upset. I knew this change would come someday and I foolishly wished it never would so I had not prepared and never imagined the wound would be so deep. This change, not his happiness, selfishly and deeply upset me. I hated myself for being upset but he knew nothing of this only my complete support and encouragement.

He returned to me broken hearted and with tears in his eyes. He who is so undaunted by the world, so refusing to give into to its many challenges, he was defeated. The change tore me apart but this, his pain, shredded me. I naively want to protect him when I know there is no protection. Instead I did the second best and provided comfort. Not with many words - mostly by sitting by his side and tyring to find quiet in the silence.

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