Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bday Recap

Last Monday I got inundated with emails, texts and phone calls with birthday well wishes from all of you. It felt great and really made my day that much more special. Man, you all have tremendously great memories - I am impressed and envious. I don't think it is because I dropped a lot of hints - or at least I hope nope. Thank you nonetheless.

On my actual birthday I took my mother to go get a tattoo. She told me recently that she decided she wanted one. Then she told me she took that day off to spend with me. So I said let's go that day to get your tattoo. She got a small carnation on her right leg just above her ankle. It was a peach color with burnt red accents. She survived just fine and the tattoo artist was very nice to her. Although as soon as she started creating the tattoo my mother did say, "Oh no I won't be getting anymore of these!". It was a riot and now she feels she can turn 65 in November and still be young at heart.

After that we spent most of the day at my sister's in the pool with the kids which was terrific fun. The neighbor, Christina, was calling me Uncle Scott also. My niece said you can't call him that and Christina said well I don't know his "real" name. What a hoot! I told her Uncle Scott was just fine but don't expect any Christmas presents.

That night I went to Dandelion Green with my parents. They were so excited because I got my dinner half price and with a little cake topped by a candle. The food is very good there so it was nice - although I don't have dinner at 5:30pm too often. Interesting crowd.

Later that night I got to see Donna who I used to work with -- at my past 3 employers lol - for a drink at the 99 to cap off a great day.

When I returned home I saw that Andy my barber also emailed me birthday wishes. A lot of people commented on the photo I posted of him here in an earlier post - so here is the photo of him and his son which he sent me on my birthday. What really cracked me up is that it was not generic. It was address to my name and then signed Andy the Barber (Baa Baa) --- which is a definite humorous reference to my Boston accent. So funny.

In any case - thank you all again - I love you much and appreciate you showing me that you feel the same about me.

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