Sunday, August 09, 2009

Tattoo Buff

Once night recently I stopped at the gas station, filled up and then went into the store for a drink. As I waited patiently in line I noticed the guy in front of me was obviously a marine by his haircut, physique and military themed tee shirt. Good looking of course but I was more thinking that although Pendleton is not too far I don't see many Marines in Esco.

He was wearing basketball shorts and as I waited patiently I saw that he had tattoos on the left side of his left leg running from his knee to his ankle. There were 3 in total: the Patriot's man, the vintage Celtics guy logo, and the Red Sox B. A marine and from Boston and he is here in Esco? I am intrigued.

On my way out he held the door for me and as I thanked him I also said that I noticed his tattoos and thought they looked great however I could not help but ask where his Bruin tattoo was. He told me that of course he has one of those too and before I know it whoosh - up comes his tee shirt and there is the Bruin logo tattooed on his very nice chest just over his heart. Oh joy in mudville what a treat! He was so fit and I certainly did not expect this wonderful treat. "Looks great!" I told him but could not manage much more as I was so embarrassed.

Seemed a bit odd but I did not care as it gave my night an unexpected thrill. Plus if I looked like that not only would I not mind showing my tattoos, but I don't think I would ever wear a shirt - ever. I told him I was from Boston too and to have a good night. I drove away with sly smile and chuckle over the event. Oh how I wish sometimes there was a Scottcam.

PS: Obviously this is not a picture of him but definitely a close approximation!

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