Monday, August 31, 2009
Michelle's Memories
I read this one and was stumped totally - not every the vaguest inkling of anything pops up for me. "The time we offered that guy a ride and it turned out he knew some friends of yours". I am not sure we are talking about a hitch hiker here or someone after leaving a club - I know this type of thing was not frequent so you would think it would stick - hmmmm.
Here is an even bigger one - "The night you introduced me to Matt. Thank You" - you are truly welcome but nope, sorry. It is a good thing though cuz I can barely even remember not knowing you both or you not knowing each other. I just don't remember the specific moment I introduced you both or anything about it. I remember getting jealous cuz Michelle had a crush on Matt and then I started feeling left out - oh how silly, perhaps I was just trying to manufacture my own Square Pegs storyline or something. But I do know I am incredibly blessed that I know you both still and enjoy every moment we continue to share.
But although these two stumped me - many, many more were making me laugh. They shall be forth comming.
Monday Morning Wake Up Call
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Like Oh My Gawd
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
She is Awesome
Union Bluff
Saturday, August 22, 2009
It's Not That Bad
I tease about my family but they got here this morning and I am glad for the visitors. I am a tiny bit stressed as I have a lot to do next week on the job search front but I will be able to manage as I created a schedule for myself. Yes Michelle, I have resorted to lists and I do not want to hear another word about it - lol. I think my family actually brought me good luck as tonight out on the deck I saw a shooting star. It has been ages! So of course I made a wish but I am sure you all know what that was. Here's hoping a bunch of hard work and a little bit of a shooting star pull through for me.
Bday Recap
On my actual birthday I took my mother to go get a tattoo. She told me recently that she decided she wanted one. Then she told me she took that day off to spend with me. So I said let's go that day to get your tattoo. She got a small carnation on her right leg just above her ankle. It was a peach color with burnt red accents. She survived just fine and the tattoo artist was very nice to her. Although as soon as she started creating the tattoo my mother did say, "Oh no I won't be getting anymore of these!". It was a riot and now she feels she can turn 65 in November and still be young at heart.
After that we spent most of the day at my sister's in the pool with the kids which was terrific fun. The neighbor, Christina, was calling me Uncle Scott also. My niece said you can't call him that and Christina said well I don't know his "real" name. What a hoot! I told her Uncle Scott was just fine but don't expect any Christmas presents.
That night I went to Dandelion Green with my parents. They were so excited because I got my dinner half price and with a little cake topped by a candle. The food is very good there so it was nice - although I don't have dinner at 5:30pm too often. Interesting crowd.
Later that night I got to see Donna who I used to work with -- at my past 3 employers lol - for a drink at the 99 to cap off a great day.
When I returned home I saw that Andy my barber also emailed me birthday wishes. A lot of people commented on the photo I posted of him here in an earlier post - so here is the photo of him and his son which he sent me on my birthday. What really cracked me up is that it was not generic. It was address to my name and then signed Andy the Barber (Baa Baa) --- which is a definite humorous reference to my Boston accent. So funny.
In any case - thank you all again - I love you much and appreciate you showing me that you feel the same about me.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Let's Try This Again
Commerical Break
This song cracks me up and I spent all last weekend singing and dancing to it with the kids. They were dying.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Nice Getaway
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Is This Odd?
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Tattoo Buff
He was wearing basketball shorts and as I waited patiently I saw that he had tattoos on the left side of his left leg running from his knee to his ankle. There were 3 in total: the Patriot's man, the vintage Celtics guy logo, and the Red Sox B. A marine and from Boston and he is here in Esco? I am intrigued.
On my way out he held the door for me and as I thanked him I also said that I noticed his tattoos and thought they looked great however I could not help but ask where his Bruin tattoo was. He told me that of course he has one of those too and before I know it whoosh - up comes his tee shirt and there is the Bruin logo tattooed on his very nice chest just over his heart. Oh joy in mudville what a treat! He was so fit and I certainly did not expect this wonderful treat. "Looks great!" I told him but could not manage much more as I was so embarrassed.
Seemed a bit odd but I did not care as it gave my night an unexpected thrill. Plus if I looked like that not only would I not mind showing my tattoos, but I don't think I would ever wear a shirt - ever. I told him I was from Boston too and to have a good night. I drove away with sly smile and chuckle over the event. Oh how I wish sometimes there was a Scottcam.
PS: Obviously this is not a picture of him but definitely a close approximation!
Friday, August 07, 2009
Apparently I Have Shit for Brains
He called me the day we were to meet for coffee and said although it is his day off he go called unexpectedly by his boss to go to Anaheim for a business conference. A bit strange - kinda like someone in Boston getting called on a Saturday to go to Providence last minute. But I understood - some businesses are last minute like that. We rescheduled to the next day at a time he stated was good. The next day I sent a text to confirm the time and he replied that his business needs in Anaheim got extended and he was still there. The oddness grows. He told me he would contact me.
A week passes and I hear nothing so I both get the hint and get annoyed. I send a nasty gram that simply states -"thanks for being just another flake - obviously you are not the definition of a southern gentleman - i get the hint - adios". Of course he replies back to state that the only person that has ever truly accepted him died unexpectedly and he had to rush home to TN so naturally I am the bad guy here. Fuck you and your load of horseshit too! What is that saying Matt??? Oh yeah, "I'm not your bitch so don't put your shit on me". If his lame ass story was true wouldn't his response be I got your message and understand why you are annoyed. Of course not because then it would mean there was actually someone else in the world to consider. I can be the bad guy if that is what someone needs me to be. There is no such thing as coincidence.
I responded back to state that in any case obviously between his professional and personal demands that timing is not good for him right now. I told him I was truly sorry for his loss but moreover that he only had one person that accepted him for who he is as that is tragic and makes me count my blessings. I clicked send, deleted all info and then was happy to put that all to an end. I am annoyed as all I was trying to do was to instigate a friendship. I am still naive enough to believe that it should not be such a difficult task to accomplish. If his story were true I would have gladly apologized for my incorrect assumption. Seeing as he used it to simply make me into the bad guy completely underscores my happiness with the delete key.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
I Don't Believe That It's a Failure
I crossed the entire US continent and then the whole of the Atlantic Ocean with an empty seat next to me that should have been filled. Then I sat in the dark of Wembley Arena still with that empty seat at my side. A piano started and everyone rose to their feet. A solo spotlight rained down on Will Young as he stood atop a music box. Will was as still as a statue and on top of a pedestal that slowly rotated and made me think of that spinning ballerina music box my sisters’ owned that I was infatuated with. I am here. I made it. Should not be alone but I am. I am amazed and trying to remember to breath. That is it Will - that is exactly what I want - exactly what I tried to make, but failed. I look down at that vacant seat. The sound of it's lacking is louder than Will can sing. The lights come on and we filter out of the arena and on to a train. My nemesis of an unused seat continues to trail me. I am walking now. Earl's court is still buzzing and I am glad to be standing with no seats to be harassing me. The night is damp and noisy but I hear Will.
"I don't believe that it's a failure
I don't believe that it's a fault
Cause if everything were plain sailing
Oh tell me -- what would there be left to resolve"
I see a bench and sit down willingly to be taunted again by my empty fellow traveler.
I did this. I was here. I am glad albeit bittersweet.
"I want an all time love
To find me"
Monday, August 03, 2009
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Not So Good
San Diego Chicken Pie Shop