Wednesday, December 07, 2011

What a Pisspot!

Hi There. Well my week is still shakey and today I was just so annoyed. I am trying to right things but it is just a challenge. Things heated up a bit at the office - nothing too bad but I did raise my voice which makes me unhappy. Then I went to the post office at lunch and it was a zoo so I left. Driving was a nightmare - people honking at me and everything. Just nutty. I have been making bad eating choices. Then I went off to Zumba. I love Zumba, you know that. I wanted to just shake it all off and exercise and feel good. The class was so helter skelter! The instructor kept forgetting the steps and really seemed like she was just making shit up. That made it hard for me to follow and so I did not feel like I was getting a work out which was making me even more annoyed. I hung in there for 30 minutes and my annoyance was just not subsiding. I got my gear and got the hell out of there right in the middle of class. I knew there would be a call later and there was - which just means someone cares. The instructor who is always so nice to me called because she was concerned. I did not take the call but felt guilty so I called her back. I let her know my day was challenging and then since the class was all over the place it greatly annoyed me and so I left. She quickly agreed about the class and apologized.

I felt bad - I really did, but sometimes when I just cannot make things stop I do the only thing that I can truly control which is myself and I leave. Matt would probably have told me that I have the choice not to react with annoyance to things in the world but I truly don't have that power. I sincerely did my best to thwart all the little craziness but then I just gave into it. I do feel better now - actually I feel exhausted and look forward to a really good deep sleep and much better day tomorrow.

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