Sunday, December 28, 2008

You Have to See

During my Christmas visit I saw Slumdog Millionaire with Dianne and Ted. I was glad because they do not get out very often but moreover I was glad because it was such a great movie. It was clever and brilliant and without a doubt moving and touching. I see firsthand in Mexico how Americans are spoiled and that the world - even right next door - is vastly different. It was a bit harrowing at times but enlightening just the same. Read what reviews you want but it is really just a love story. It is the kinda of movie love that at times seems hardly possible to exist in the real world but I truly believe it does. It is elusive and something to work at and although I do not believe it comes to everyone, I still believe it is possible to find. Love can be that true. Love can be that powerful. But like many other wonderful things it does not mean it is easy. That is the part Americans have trouble with. Sometimes things are not easy and we are owed nothing - even if we work very, very hard. But in the end there is no denying the beauty or power of this movie. Treat yourself, see the world, see this movie.

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