Friday, September 05, 2008

Sweet Baby Jesus - The Return of Richard

Matt was here for a short time but boy did we have some adventures. The stories of which are slowly unfolding here. The last time I saw Richard was in July when we went to the Yaz show together in LA - great show without a doubt, probably the best I have seen this year but a DUD of a date.

I left it up to him to contact me - which he didn't - and which I expected so was really not phased at all by it. I did however send a text to say thanks for everything and best of luck. He responded he had been sick. I deleted his number and that was that. I actually am growing used to the power of delete.

Matt and I last Saturday march on into the Redwing to enjoy his last night in SD and voila - there is Richard in the exact same stool I met him sitting at some months ago. It seems his health has returned. A high pitched "Heeeeey" by him followed by a pat on the back, thinly disguised as a hug, and some air kisses. He also solemnly told me he lost my number when he got a new phone. I responded with an "Ahhh", but no offer to give him my number again. OMG - do you think I care? Anyway no need for drama - I was polite and fun although his weird friend Richard kept drastically invading my personal space and also his friend Richard's bf was hitting on me. Matt and I moved to the patio when the karaoke began.

This week I get a text from him to say that I was not very social (it seems he found my "lost" number). This is from the guy who I could not for the life of me keep a conversation with on anything for more than 5 minutes, and I tried! I responded that I was very social, gabbed with bunches of people and enjoyed time with Matt. He responded that my new bf was very handsome. I only responded that Matt was a very fun guy that I loved a lot - true - just not completely truthful, ha! Whatever. All is fine - no harm no foul - I tried, you stopped -- so just let it go. I know that seems like funny advice from me who has loads of problems letting go but I am not that insane. Glad your well, wish you continued good health and fun, but BUUUURRRP "Sweet Baby Jesus" it's ok, let it go.

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