Last time I was supposed to see Ramiro I was crying at the goddamn border of USA and Mexico and texting frantically to Rick to ask how to say all types of horrid words in Spanish. This scene resulted because I was supposed to meet up with Ramiro for a date and he stood me up. We had hooked up a couple times - both completely a straightforward hook up but some how it was changing into more and was supposed to become a date. It really hit me hard as I started thinking more than was apparently there was. Days later came some lame excuse involving a large bus, a big accident and days in the hospital which was followed by him leaving to Chicago. I dunno - maybe true but in any case I deleted his number.
While I was in MA out the blue I get a shocking call from Ramiro. He was back in SoCal and wanted to see me. I was so surprised by all this but was curious. We did end up going out on our date finally. As he walked down the street toward me I was reminded how handsome he was. I also got a tad of a tingle. We had dinner and then a very enjoyable night of dancing, some drinks and many laughs. I asked him point blank what he wanted from me and he said that I was his type, very handsome and he wanted to know me better. He was all over me all night long.
All very nice but as we parted ways he told me he had to give his brother back the cell phone he had been using but that once he got his own cell phone he then he would contact me. That was over 10 days ago so I quite happily have not been holding my breath for his call - as it still has not come yet. I am glad I gave him a second chance. It was very fun for sure but moreover very enlightening as it proved to me first instincts are usually right. So I have deleted his number for a second time and yet instead of ending in tears, it ended in a sense confidence. Adios amigo!
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