Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  Wow does time fly by.  I relaxed and enjoyed.  It was close to 80 degrees today so I should have gone to the beach but was too lazy to drive far.  Here are some pictures to enjoy of random Christmas moments.

My sister's Christmas tree.  I asked my niece to send me a picture of it and she made it so artsty showing off the lights.  Nice!  Wish I was there.

My lunch at the Chinese buffet.  I treated myself to like one million bad calories of yummy-ness on Christmas.  They were doing a good business, believe it or not, and I was so happy to get the discounted lunch time rate - yay.

This is my Carla's super sweet niece and her even sweeter dog Domino.  She is a very cute rough and tumble tom boy and he is a total love bug of a ham.

Jane sent me a picture of the ornament cards I used to send.  She still has them and takes them out each year, which makes me feel good.  A lot of people tell me they do the same.  I have not seen them in the stores in years but I loved them.  They was all beautifully embroidered.  

Judy's mom Bev.  She can be a crackpot but that is why she cracks me up.  She has her moments but it is easy for me to love her since she is not my mom.  She totally has no filter when she speaks, which can be hilarious or hurtful, but I know deep down in there she has a warm and wonderful heart.

Lisa's Christmas tree - OMG it is just as beautiful as she is!

A picture I took today of the bush in the yard.  Like I said it was about 80 degrees today.  I am not sure why they are glowing but I can only imagine that they are infused with the Christmas spirit.

Loren sent me this pic from the beach along with the message:  "Christmas sunset in Carlsbad.  I think I saw Santa's shadow in there."  Awesome!

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