Saturday, February 02, 2013

Top 3 of All Time

This is one of the best songs ever.  It is just perfect.  A sad song yes, but still perfect.  How can a pop song that contains the line, "The love I gave hangs in sad colored, mocking shadows" not be amazing.  That is freaking poetry.  And no I do not love this song because I think it speaks of me.  All is well and I have left nothing behind that I did not want to leave behind.  If anyone knows me in the slightest they know I keep what is precious to me.

PS Is funny though that it just dawned on me after posting this that today is what used to be an anniversary.  HA perhaps my subconscious is speaking.  NOT.  I have few things in this world but my life is mine and I am glad it is.  All is good and will continue to get better.

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