Sunday, February 24, 2013


Well I am not sitting pretty but I have some good news - I found my wallet!  I am soooooo relieved.  I still feel dumb and was very mad at myself but I have it back and so don't have to worry who has it.  In case you are curious - I was cleaning and I picked up the box the Matt used to mail to me that awesome fluer de lis ornament.  Before I put it in the trash I looked into it and there it was???  I have no idea why but was there but was thrilled to see it.  It more than made my day.

As for my computer, well it is fixed but I will not be able to pick it up for a little bit.  I just need to save up a little cash and will have it shortly.  In the meantime I am using my old one at home.  It is so insanely slow.  I do not know why it is so slow as I took just about everything off.  It makes me think of dial up service circa 1992.  But it is teaching me patience and with patience I can still post.  Actually with patience I can do most anything.

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