Monday, January 21, 2013

She is so Good

That picture is of my two aunts but this post is about my mother.  My aunts are good but my mother is so good.  I know I am a mommy's boy but my mother truly is good.  Yes she is completely insane but you how much I love and appreciate insane people.  Actually I feel a little bad for my mother because my aunt, who is blue in the picture above, is the oldest sibling and she is very ill.  My cousins moved her to FL in the fall so that my they could be near could take care of her but my cousins are messed up.  They always have been.  People do not change too much.  My aunt is not doing so well right now.  she is just kinda all done with the ride and just wants off the bus.  It will not be that much longer and she will pass on so my mother is naturally upset.  My mother is also at peace though because she has a good relationship with my aunt and always has but family is super important to my mom and so I know it still makes her sad.  I know it is just the natural cycle of life but what makes it horrible are my cousins, they are truly insane (not the good kind of nuts) and keep trying to drag my mother into all sorts of drama.  Kudos to my mom because she is not having it.  Although the peacemaker in the family, my mother's mouth is bigger than mine and she told my cousins that obviously they were making stuff out of nothing due to guilt that built up over a lifetime and now they do not have the time to fix.  I was proud she said that but knowing how much family means, even the fucked up family members, I know it was still tough for her.  

For as much mail as I send, I rarely send my mother cards although I do call her 2-3 times a week.  Well I saw a "thinking of you" card that was perfect so I got it and sent it to my mother.  I wrote some words of encouragement to say that I know how hard this is for her but I also know how strong she is and that I love her very much.  So then later she calls me and she is crying and crying - I thought my aunt passed or maybe my dad was having a really bad episode but no.  She was crying because she got my card.  Once she composed herself she said that she had no idea why she is so lucky to have such a caring son and that she can always depend on me during difficult times.  I have had friends tell me that but my mother never said that before.  I know that I too am insane and have my annoyances but she is always there for me too.  I am glad I made her happy even if I made her cry. She is so good - crazy as loon, but so very good.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

First, I am sooo sorry about your Aunt. And there is nothing worse than people causing drama when the most important thing is suffering.

But - the rest of it did make me laugh. I love your honesty, and your cards. Your cards do inspire all of us and make us happy, even when you don't think they do.

And your Mom is crazy, and the apple definitely does not fall far from the tree.