Monday, January 14, 2013

It's a Party!

In October I put on Customer Service Appreciate week activities for my folks and among the decorations that I set up were mylar balloons all over the office.  They were stars of all different colors.  At the end of the week I told everyone to take the balloons home and I took a gold one home.  I put it up on my door and you cannot believe how happy it made me - or perhaps you can!  I just felt happy every time I saw it.  Balloons are for good things like parties.  One simple gold balloon and I would felt festive everyday because of it.  Finally it was just dragging on the floor and I knew I had to get rid of it but I knew I had to get a new one to replace it so I got the above heart to replace it.  I was only a dollar but what an investment.  I even had a friend that said what is up with the balloon and I was like I am having a party!  So now I have a heart shaped balloon that will last for a while and make me very happy.  I am such a simple man in more than one meaning of the word - and that pleases me. 

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