Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Catching Up With Christmas - Part II

I love all my nieces and nephews so it was super great to see them all over Christmas but I especially love my oldest sister's middle daughter.  OH she kills me!   I will tell the truth and admit that I think she is so awesome because she has MY personality.  My sister tells me all the time, "She drives me nuts!  She is just like you!".  So needless to say when we get together it is not long before someone in the family is saying, "Will you two knock it off".  On Christmas Eve after the family party my niece came back to my mother's house so that she could wrap presents for my mother.  I sat with her as she was wrapping presents and I was cleaning out my mother's camera and camera phone as I do every time when I visit.  Her cameras are always filled with miscellaneous pictures of nothing or pictures of thumbs or just really horrendous shots.  I came across one of my nephew that was so hysterical.  Of all my mother's oddball pictures, it was the best ever.  I showed the picture to my niece and said, "When the hell did Bam (what the kids all call my mother) meet Mr. Tumnus from the Chronicles of Narnia???".  My niece is 18 so when she saw the picture she immediately got the joke and the Narnia reference.  Mr.  Tumnus is the half man half goat character and when you look at the picture below you will understand my question and the joke.

My niece and I just laughed and laughed for an hour straight over my damn joke and this insane picture.  We both had tears and could not speak.  Then I hear my mother laughing in the other room so I said, "Bam what the hell are you laughing at in there?"  She said, "I don't know!!! You two won't stop laughing so now I am laughing."  My mother then came into the kitchen where we were and said, "You two cut the shit.  You made me tinkle in my pants!".  That is when the calamity truly just took off.  It is midnight and my niece and I were howling in laughter.  The more we laughed the more my mother is yelling all sorts of obscenities at us and then my father comes out the bedroom and says, "Jesus Christ!" - which is the most he ever says.  I told my niece that I had to take her home because I actually had a headache from all the laughing and yelling and craziness of the night.

I brought my niece home and was not even 3 minutes from her house and my sister called me.  She said, "What the hell did you two do now?  When are you going back?!?"  Oh I just cannot even tell you how many calls I get from my sister yelling at me for being a dingbat.  As I sat in a terminal at Logan on Christmas day, my niece texted me the infamous picture and said, "Do you miss me yet?"  Oh I sure do, I really, really do.  Just writing this I was laughing again over it all.

Here is me, my niece and my clinically insane mother who is destined to be canonized for dealing with me all these years:

Here is the crazy picture Bam took of my nephew unintenionally as Mr. Tumnus:

So you can get the joke - here is a drawing of the real Mr. Tumnus:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL how the hell does his body do that? How strange
