Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Marty Feldman Eyes

I was thinking that I have not posted a picture of myself in ages.  Then recently Paula asked me for a picture so that she can use it as my caller ID on her phone, so again I was thinking I need to take some pictures.  In addition tonight I finally gave in and buzzed my own head.  I usually go and have it done - formerly by Andy (I miss him so) and as of late by this crazy old asian lady - who usually does a fine job but last time made me a little uneven.  I am not sure if botched my own hair or not so I thought I definitely need to take a picture then I can see, as well as get a picture for Paula and my blog.  Below are the results of my photo shoot and I must say that I am not too sure I will be on the cover of GQ too soon.  As well as, just when did this dormant Marty Feldman gene I obviously have decide to surface???

Hmmmm I dunno though, now that I look at my post - I might be as hot as Theo James below.  We kinda look the same, I can see the resemblance.  Can't you?  LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are you on the phone with???? Hope that wasn't me! LOL