Wednesday, May 09, 2012

She is Still a Treasure

Sharlowe the fabulous gave the presentation this week at my weight loss group.  Each person gives a small presentation on a given week and she always does a great job.  She made these "bumper stickers" for each of us and we had to read them aloud and then discuss.  Mine was about binges because she knows I struggle with them so badly.  She is so sweet and lovely, but you all know that because I said it like a million times.  I am going to put my bumper sticker on my fridge and see if will help me.  Sometimes the binge just overwhelms me but with a strong visual of such sweet support, I think it can help me.

This is what it says on the back that I needed to read aloud:  "Isn't it ironic that all the comfort food we eat is exactly what ended up making us feel so uncomfortable?  With our TOPS and KOPS friends, we can learn to forego extra helpings, desserts and the extra calories that keep us from being all we can be."

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