Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lunchtime Walk

It was a nice day out today so I went for a walk at my lunch time and listened to my mp3 player.  As I looked around I thought wow there is a bunch of cool stuff.  I did not have my camera but I had my phone so I still got to snap some pictures of the world in which I live.  I really like the Taco Art, which was mural that was on the side of a taco shop that I walked by.  People might think that I am distracted because I am always looking around the world but this is the view I see and that I want to see.  I am excited to share these pictures because in an ordinary action like going for a walk, I can share how I look at the world.  I guess I could have just looked at the traffic in the streets, the litter that people have thrown out their windows, or the old stains all over the road but I prefer my view instead.  

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