Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Deal with the Devil

I could not get donuts off my mind today.  I want to start making progress again but I could just not shake donuts.  So as I contemplated donuts at work today it popped into my pea brain that the evil donut shop is about 2 miles away.  Once that seed got planted I then made a deal with myself.  The deal I agreed to was that I could have a donut if I walked down and got it - so that is 4 miles round trip.  I have made worse agreements with myself so I saw it as a good bargain and after I got out of work I strapped on mp3 player and started walking like a man with a mission.

I don't know why I obsess over donuts.  I don't know why I obsess over food in general.   I was happy just walking.  I like walking.  I can see so much more than when I am driving.  Plus I can stop whenever I want.  I smile and say hi to folks.  Sometimes I chit chat.  I even got beeped at because I will admit, I think I was even  dancing a bit when I got beeped at while I waited for the crosswalk at Grand Ave - totally not my fault - it is nearly impossible to stand completely still as Chrissy Hynde stutters "I love ya, I love ya, I love ya" in the Pretenders' song "Message of Love".

I guess I should have just walked and forgone the donut.  I am not going to let the guilt get to me too much.  It does make me remind how often I was told that it was simply that I had no will power.  I do think I am a little weaker than most.  I don't know that it is a fatal flow but it does bug me and nag at me at times.  But the walk made for a nice time.  The weather is always so nice as the sun starts to go down.  They had a little bench in the shade and I sat and watched the general hub bub.  I sent silly texts to people.

I do feel a little bothered.  It was fun though.  

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