Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Laughter Class

Well a complete 180 from my last post, last night we had an instructor come in to my weight loss group and she gave a laugh class.  You know this whole touchy feely Southern California experience is sometimes so not my thing.  I am very much a New Englander at heart, no matter where I live.  I was truly like "Now what the hell is this nonsense all about".  It turned out to be just that, silly nonsense which made it so excellent.  This woman was not a comedian she just gave us all these different types of laughs we had to do as a group.  You have to make yourself laugh and of course that makes you feel silly and then you start laughing for real, which is contagious and so everyone is then really laughing.  We did belly laughs, shy laughs. laughed at bad foods like donuts and cookies and laughed at bad weeks like when we gain.  We laughed, and we laughed and we laughed some more.  It was a good bonding exercise as you need to really let go of your inhibitions and accept people laughing at you since you look nutty (not a totally new phenomenon for me).  Plus laughing for 30 minutes is exercise, I totally burned calories.  I was starting to sweat and my face was red.  To top it off, when I got home I felt soooooo great - all those endorphins that I released, wow.  The instructor gives a monthly class and I think I am going to do it on a regular basis.  I cannot think of one single reason not to do it.  Make sure you laugh today - regardless of how you feel or what is going on, you will not regret it - I guarantee it!  

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