Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sounds Trivial... But It is Not

I have posted bunches of pictures that I have taken around town. And for as many things as I posted, I have bunches more photos from around town that I have not posted. I was really thinking that it is not possible for there to be many more exciting things to take pictures of and then I came across this awesome manhole cover! It is on the corner of Grand and Centre City and is so beautiful - it is going to make excellent cards! Not only am I excited over it but I am excited over the idea that just when I think there is no more BOOM something great appears. Lately I have been scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to motivation and a positive outlook. I fight daily to see the light instead of the seemingly ever increasing darkness. Some days I fail miserable at that task put this certainly puts more gas in my tank. Perhaps odd but this is one of my most favorite pictures ever. Something is going to come through and that something will come through because I continue onward.

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