Monday, January 31, 2011

Reading List

I am not negative but I must say my reading has been very dark as of late. I started with In Cold Blood by Truman Capote and just loved it. After reading the book I watched the movie and I know it is a cliche but the book was so much better. The movie was more about taking an anti capital punishment stance whereas as the book delved into what is in the minds of men that can go through completing senseless and vicious murders. It scares me to say but I like seeing inside the minds of dark killers. Humans have the ability to do atrocious things but much like the thought of dying, we live the vast majority of our lives not thinking about it - regardless of how true it is.

Then I went on to the Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - one of the best books ever. Wilde is scathing and shreds open the darkness of man, society and culture. It was really scandalous - even to read in current day - so I can barely imagine what the world thought in the mid 1800's of him. I am not a cynic but certainly could understand the cold and derivative place the world can be through the words of this cynic. It was like looking at a vivisection done to yourself. Remarkable.

Next was a collection of Edgar Allen Poe short stories. More dark and creepy horrors of both the world and the mind. I just could not stop. I know the points of horror in my own mind and so to look at someone else's and feel the universality - amazing. Plus the fact that several times I had to stop and look up definitions - expanding my own world.

I am in a bit of a dark space so perhaps that is why my reading has been so dark - but I am not negative. I am excited - I am curious - I am eagar. I just have to keep the movement when somedays I just have no energy to do so. On the full scale of things though, that is life in general - regardless of dark days or bright days.

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