Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beyonce or Bust

As soon as I saw that damned Debbie Harry Barbie doll and started drooling, I texted the picture to Michelle. She gets my obsessions and quite frequently indulges me in them (although I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing). On Saturday she was in Toys R Us and saw the doll. It is actually part of a series - 80's women of rock. She was very thrilled over the Joan Jett Barbie but as cool as it is - I stuck with my tried and true obsession. Then she happened upon a Beyonce doll and was blinded by all others. Turns out she is majorly into Beyonce. I did not know this fact and it is good to learn something new about someone you have known for so long but truthfully I thought she was teasing . She was not! She was dead serious. It freaked me out a bit. She then rapid fire spit out all these Beyonce facts. I know Beyonce is talented and smart, I just never was too much on that bandwagon never mind aware that Michelle was driving the bandwagon. She said if there was a Beyonce channel she would never leave the house. She also told me that she would leave Juan to be with Beyonce. I know, I know my head is blowing up over this too. But then she told me the clincher - Beyonce is a virgo too! Ahhhh all roads converge and I am excited to have learned something new about Michelle's previously unknown albeit intense obsession.

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