Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am a Nervous Nelly

The internet is an evil place for self diagnosis. I read the below about a nasty habit I have had forever:

Biting His Nails
This behavior signifies insecurity, nervousness, extreme stress and an inability of self-expression, Wanis says. “This is not someone who is calm, relaxed …. It doesn’t really indicate hygiene issues; it talks more about psychological, mental and emotional issues.”

Paula thinks I am always so calm and relaxed - I really do not know where she gets this impression. I am so my mother and I am nervous and worried most of the time. Perhaps it is because when I am with others that I care greatly for I am very relaxed and happy and usually reserve my worrying to my solo time. I think about all sorts of things and people and although not a pessimist - I can tend to dwell on the bleak. Luckily I know this about myself and so I am aware of the "go back before it is too late" signs. As for self-expression - well this blog is certainly a good place for that. I missed it when I was not posting. It is creative and indulgent and fun. So I sit here looking at my mangled nails and think oh damned internet!!!!

1 comment:

Kymberly Calvo said...

consider getting manicures when you're working - and maybe that will help encourage you to keep your nails out of your mouth? Do you bite your toe nails too? I'd love to see that - no wait what am I saying?! Get a pedicure too!