Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Michelle's Memories

The dinner party, you made Cindy cook. The other Michelle, SplitEnz and Tom.

Editors Note: I remember this party -- was Kim Cullivan there? How about Kym Calvo? Although I think Kym Calvo was at the second one where I made Matt cook? Anyway I clearly remember the other Michelle - what a crazy! Her mother was Caroline and we all worked at Bldg 19 - the brother too but can't remember his name. Doesn't matter since they all had fake names because of some insane divorce case story - who knows. BUT I do remember Michelle's boyfriend's name - Patrick. He was soooooo cute!!!!! They all went to ULowell. He drove a Firebird and me and my friend Gail (remember her) called him Potato Pants - I am sure everyone can figure out where that nickname came from. Tom adored Michelle but I was in love with Patrick. Oh so twisted - all of it --- what a memory. The Bldg 19 days - god, that was like 5 lifetimes ago. I do not recall the SplitEnz reference though - hmmm.

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