Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Michelle's Memories

"Banana Cream Pie"

Editors Note: I absolutely remember this moment and already know that just before my last breath I will be thinking of this very moment and will pass with a HUGE smile on my face. Neelam and I helped Michelle move to NYC. We went out for dinner - don't remember where, think Hard Rock - but does not matter. Poor Neelam - no one ever got her British accent and always looked at me to translate. She would even have trouble getting a glass of water.
Well she ordered a slice of banana cream pie for desert - the waiter said what did she say and then with out skipping a beat and in a very poor, overly exagerated British accent I told him, "She said she would like BAAAH NAAAH NAAAH CREME PIE". I think Michelle spit her drink out laughing.


Anonymous said...

The infamous Banana Cream Pie incident happened at Ed Debevic's on Broadway......

carson17 said...

Eat at Ed's --- Oh could I not know that --- that is great, I have not thought of that place in ages -- is it still there? Is so we need to post a commemorative plaque!