Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Makes Me Smile

When I work my day job and then my night job, it makes for a long day.  Refocusing on weight loss and exercise is very important too me.  I told myself there was no way I could work 2 jobs in one day and they go to the gym.  Ufff me and my self made hurdles.  Guess what I did today - all three, yay!!  I am pretty tired but not as tired as I imagined I would be.  I just needed the right frame of mind to give it a try and a little preparation.  I had my healthy food, snacks and water and the energy to do it all.  Now I am not superman and cannot do this every time I work both my jobs but I am going to do my best to make it a habit.  I just have to remember the positive.  I can do this!

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