Tuesday, May 31, 2016

That Was Great

What a great show that was on Saturday night.  As I walked in Bow Wow Wow had just started so as walked down the stairs to the concert area my excitment was at a 10 out of 10.  Wow wow wow was more like it as Annabella sounded great but moreover looked amazing!  She was petite and fit and still able to pull off that sex kitten vibe with no problems. My favorite song of theirs is "Do You Want to Hold Me".  They sang it so I was in heaven.  I chatted with a hipster couple next to me and said that I never knew why that song was not just simply HUGE , they agreed.  The one downfall wqas that Annabella has zero stage persona.  No chatting with the crowd, no banter or stories from the good ol' days.  People are there to see you in person not listen to a record, lighten up and open up a little!

After Bow Wow Wow there was a very short break.  They got everything up and running for Missing Persons, very promptly and before you know it Missing Persons blasted on stage singing Mental Hopscotch -- so one of the best song titles ever.  Also they were billed as Missing Persons but it was really just the lead singer, Dale Bozzio, and her band.  They did sound tight so they must played for a while together.  Oh and Dale -- she is glorious.  A little hefty but hey she is 61 so she has that grandma physique which is totally fine.  But her look, oh my.  She looked like a cross between castaways from Stevie Nicks' wardrobe and a witch from a Tim Burton movie.  I was mesmerized!.  She never had super strong vocals but she fared much better than I thought she would.  She did not talk at much at first so I was like "ugh not again" but then she sang "Words".  The crowd totally reacted to the song and it completely changed Dale's demeanor.  She was beaming with happiness and appreciation.  You could totally see on her face had an expression of "This is my life" and it was awesome!  That really opened her up and she got real chatty.  She spoke about Frank Zappa and Prince, both of who she worked with and missed.  But the best was toward the end of the show she went on this long and rambling monaloge.  It was this slightly incoherent new agey, rock and roll, i have found peace, join with the universal mother and be authentic story that was just so meandering I adored it.  You go Dale.  You lived your shit, you owned your shit, you deserve happiness and glory.  

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