Thursday, January 22, 2015

Academic Challenge

Carla drives a bus for Escondido school systems.  She had to drive some kids from one high school in town to another high school in town so she had me meet her downtown for dinner.  We got sandwiches and it was good to see her.  BUT the super awesome part was the high school kids she was driving were having an Academic Challenge.  I love Academic Challenge because it is really just trivia and I am so good with random, useless knowledge.  Just ask Matt - we played trivia at the bar and he was surprised at both how good I was and how competitive it made me.  The school it was in was where they used to make the local newspaper and they just converted it over to a school.  We went in to check it out.  It was cool to see the building being re-purposed - made me happy.  But then we went into the actual challenge to watch it for a bit and I was in heaven - was sooooo awesome.  They were two teams of nerds.  One team of nerds had matching polo shirts with their embroidered logo and we super competitive.  The other team was just a bunch of super awkward high school kids -- I was dying!  The professional looking team was the team that Carla drove and they were kicking butt.  The awkward kids were super bad.  That team was made up of 5 kids - 4 girls and a boy.  The boy sat at the end and totally did not interact with the girls at all and kept making faces at how hard all the questions were (and they were!).  He was so funny.  You totally knew that girls begged him to be on the team that day because they were short a person and would not have been able to complete otherwise LOL.  The really good team had alternate players and everything.  They kept swapping out players like it was the super bowl.  The questions were so hard but I was trying to guess them - oh I so wanted to be on that stage with a buzzer!!!  This was all serious business and there were parents and students in the audience cheering the teams on.  I was trying sooooo hard not to be loud and make a disturbance when they were asking the questions but that is usually a difficult feat for me in general never mind when I am all excited over something like this.  How crazy fun that all turned out to be.  The team Carla drove won big team but of course I was rooting for the rag tag team cuz everyone loves an underdog.

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