Monday, March 24, 2014

Matt Came to Visit

Matt came to visit last month.  It was so good to see him again.  I felt bad as it rained 5 days out of the week that he was here but he enjoyed himself in other ways.  He always has a positive outlook and makes the best of everything.  I really enjoyed his company.  He is like Valium for me - he just keeps me relaxed and de-stressed.  I get myself really worked up at times and it is usually over the smallest, dumbest things but he just calms me down.  Sometimes he pokes the bear but he knows when is when and doesn't go to far, so it makes it funny.  He really spoiled me too and we went out quite a bit - thank you so much!  I stock piled some stuff for his visit - a Diesel shirt, a Burberry sweater, and so one but the best was that I gave him a Barney's navy blue tee shirt (he looks so goods in navy).  The t shirt was never used and I only paid 50 cents for it but I knew it was high end and would be perfect for Matt.  After I gave it to him I asked him how much he thought it cost at Barney's and he said $80.  I shit my pants!  An $80 t shirt???  One they can't charge $80 for a t shirt and two did I seriously just give it away???  I did not believe him so I checked later and her was right!!!  OMG how crazy is the world???  I was kinda stuck on it for the rest of the week but when I saw how awesome he looked in it, as I knew he would, I was glad how well it all worked out.  This post seems like a joke that is not funny when you re-tell it but let me just say that Matt's visit was the best time I have had in ages!  Come visit anytime you want Matt.  Love you!

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