Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Real Housewives of Wilmington

My mother told me on this past Sunday that she was going in to have cosmetic surgery on her eyelids.  It freaked me out a little bit but I know her eyelids have grown heavier over the years and it bothered her.  I am glad she told me before she had it done as I was able to check out the surgeon and confirm he has no malpractice suits or any actions against him by any medical boards.  I called today to see how she was doing expecting to speak with my father, thinking she would be still recovering, but she answered.  She sounded like she was doing very well and even said she did not need to take any pain pills today (just one day later).  She texted me a picture which I was going to post but I reconsidered that action because the picture looks painful and I found it upsetting.  I hope she heals well.  Everything is going like a text book case so far and I am curious to see her in August and to see the difference.  As long as she is happy and healthy that is the important part.  Lord knows she is never going to change.  She told me today that she is happy she had it done even though my father is not.  I knew she meant because of the cost but to be a wiseguy I asked, "Aw why did he say not to do it cuz he loves you just the way you are?".  My mother laughed and then showered me with a very colorful litany of profanity which I will not repeat but let me know 100% that is doing fine and regardless of what is done to the outside she is not changing.  Which is a good thing.

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