Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Magic Returns

Hey There - sorry was MIA for a bit.  My primary job has been a bit nuts.  It is not bad and I have no complaints just have stuff that keeps me busy there.  I still am very happy and like it there a lot.  I have completed my training, orientation and first day out on the sales floor at my part time job.  I was annoyed that it did not work out at Christmas time but now I am happy it did not.  At Christmas time since it so busy they just kinda throw you on the floor because there is no choice.  So now I will be fully trained and experienced in the slow season and will be primed and ready for the busy one.  See connect those dots - they do work out!

I also had my sister and niece come to visit.  It was really fun and a good time.  It was quick but I enjoyed very moment.  I have lots to write about and have been thinking about a lot so I will post once a day for at least one week to catch up.  

I hope you have all been well.  It is scorching hot here that means it is good that I have two jobs where I get to hang out in the air conditioning!

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