Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Magic Returns

Hey There - sorry was MIA for a bit.  My primary job has been a bit nuts.  It is not bad and I have no complaints just have stuff that keeps me busy there.  I still am very happy and like it there a lot.  I have completed my training, orientation and first day out on the sales floor at my part time job.  I was annoyed that it did not work out at Christmas time but now I am happy it did not.  At Christmas time since it so busy they just kinda throw you on the floor because there is no choice.  So now I will be fully trained and experienced in the slow season and will be primed and ready for the busy one.  See connect those dots - they do work out!

I also had my sister and niece come to visit.  It was really fun and a good time.  It was quick but I enjoyed very moment.  I have lots to write about and have been thinking about a lot so I will post once a day for at least one week to catch up.  

I hope you have all been well.  It is scorching hot here that means it is good that I have two jobs where I get to hang out in the air conditioning!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I talked with my dad today.  I do call him but just not as often as I call my mother.  When I do call him he always says right off the bat, "You want to talk to you mother?" -- I always say, "Nooooo I called to talk with you!".  Speaking with him is so awkward - it is funny.  I don't mind though.  I accept him for him but it does make me chuckle.  The man is just so not verbal and yet I speak to everyone.  Also I give myself a pat on the back because I know most people would shy away from doing awkward things but he is my dad it is important and more importantly respectful.  Not everything I do in life is something I will enjoy but it I do not mean it is torture either.  I don't know why some folks think it is an inalienable right to never have to do anything uncomfortable in this world at times.  Ahhhh he is a good dad and he has right by me.  It was good to speak with him.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Oooh so training started today.  I was there 9 hours (8 hours training and 1 hours lunch).  Goodness the mall is nutty, I rarely went there before.  Even just driving into the parking lot I was like surprised at how crazy it was.  And the store was even nuttier because they were having a special sales. I was just in a little room working on the computer and register with training modules but wow was I ever getting Lechmere flashbacks.  I have not been in retail for so long.  It seems I have come full circle although I never thought I would.  But it is like riding a bike.  I even helped a customer already too.  On my way out to lunch some lady dropped her bags (cuz she had so many!) and I picked them up and offered to walk them out to her car.  Funny as I did not have a name badge on but I did have a dress shirt and tie so that is probably why she said yes.  They want me to go back tomorrow for 4 more hours of training.  Things are underway!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Didn't Really Expect That

Wow!  I did not know what this movie was about really.  All I heard was that it is about a robot that helps and older man, sort of like a health aide, and the relationship they develop and that it was good.  No spoilers here is that is was so much more than that and just turned out to be such a creative movie.  I enjoyed it immensely and recommend it.  I know this a crap review but it is not meant to be a review - just a post that this movie caught me utterly by surprise, was fantastic and I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Getting on My Nerves

I am getting nervous about my part time job.  I start training this Saturday and it is all I can think about.  It has been so long since I have done retail or worked with the general public.  Plus I want this to work out.  It will so help me.  I always want to do good but now I really do.  And I want to look good and not like a schlep.  I am going to give this my all but will be dying inside.  I get it all the time - people think I am a very calm and relaxed person but I am not.  I worry so much and so often.  Maybe because the worry just turns into get it done and I know that I can.  Maybe it is because I don't have panic attacks or that I can control my nerves without medications.  I just keep telling myself it is just a part time job.  It will help.   It will be awesome.  It will be fine.  And if it does not work out it will not be the end of the world.  Right??? Right!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Let's Give It a Whirl

Long story short I got that part time job I was trying for and I start training on this Saturday.  It won't put me on Easy St but it will put me back in the game.  After the interview today I was thinking perhaps something will pan out in the fall.  I was specifically told by the interviewer that there were no positions open and that they were just talking to candidates so they could be ready when it get busier in the fall.  I was not pleased with this but decided I would still give the interview my all.  My interview ended at 1pm and I figured that at least I made a little more in road than before so that it was good.  At 5pm the interviewer called me and said that a part time position opened up and I could have it if I wanted.  Would be a couple shifts a week and a foot in the door.  I will be in men's wear.  I said, "Sure, sounds perfect".  So I will go and give it my all.  I might not get them all moved in one day but I am moving mountains folks and I will just keep at it everyday until I get exactly where I want.  So for today I am feeling one less hill in my way.  Yay,

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Damn - How Did I Miss This?

Last Friday was National Donut Day? And the proceeds benefited the Salvation Army?  Two of my favorite things - how could I miss that?  Oh well I have chunky buns so no need to buy more.  And I already donate plenty to the Salvation Army.  I am going to mark my calendar.  Perhaps next year.


OOOH I was playing around with my tablet and look what I made.  Pretty rudimentary but it is giving me all sorts of great ideas.  Let's see what I can do with this.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Here We Go Again

Well at Christmas time I applied at a major department store retailer hoping to make some extra cash.  It did not pan out because they were not organized but they said to try later in the new year.  I was so annoyed that they wasted my time and very mad.  I am not sure I posted about it but boy was pissed and disappointed.  Well I saw they had a posting again so I have applied and have another interview this Monday.  I do not want to write their name as it is not appropriate but I will go and give it my all and see how it turns out.  Money is on the right track for me and I am feeling good about but a steady part time job will help even that much more so fingers crossed, although I am not too hopeful.  With any luck their registers will look like this one as I think I can manage that.  

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Aunt Lulu

Every so often, and more than you would think, while at the Salvation Army I come across a couple shelves of clown items, mostly figurines.  Well this happened again last week.  The sight of so many creepy clowns normally tweaks me out but I saw this chalkware clown and kinda thought he was ok.  His hand is a little wonky but you know I like those damaged guys.  So I picked him up and could not stop thinking that poor Aunt Lulu must have passed away and her heirs did not quiet see the same value in her clown collection as she did, so it wound up donated.  This guy is from the 1950's by a company called Norleans.  He is a bank still with his plug in place so he now sits in Jesmond Dene and will come in handy if I keep raking in eBay dough.

I know I write a lot about the Salvation Army finds lately but it is the most exciting thing going on as of late.  I did really well in the past two weeks and made $300, thanks to that Burberry score.  It is all perfect timing as I had to get a smog last week and an oil change.  Next is paying my car registration.  So it is good to take care of all those things with the extra money I made.  I will still try though to see if I can come out with stories about other things.