I was opening my front door the other day and the key snapped and broke just like in the picture above so the skinny part was stuck inside the lock and I was holding the big round part. Luckily the door opened first so I was not locked outside but I was still in a panic. I get so nervous over everything. I guess I could have call the landlord but instead I took the lock apart from the door and then tried to get the broken key out of the lock. I worked on it for a while and honestly I was impressed I was able to get the lock out of the door but I knew there was no way I could get the broken part out. My mind raced as it tends to do. I was worried about how much if could cost, if I could get it fixed or would have to replace it and what would I do in the meantime. When things like this happen it just wigs me out. Like I said I get really nervous and worried and it just kinda shuts me down. I figured that no one is ever up here - I would just leave the door lock-less until I figured something out - perhaps not the best decision but I went with it. Finally I looked up locksmiths today and of course there was one within walking distance from my work - really why ever leave Escondido. I went over today and although it was chilly out I was sweating because I made myself so nervous over what was or was not going to happen. It was an old fashioned locksmith shop and super cool. The guy was incredibly nice. He told me to give him a minute and then he went over to a machine - fiddled around a bit and retured in literally 7 minutes with my lock fixed and a new key and said, "All set - that will be $2.10". I almost fell over. I realize the lock is not too intricate but still was not expecting such a cheap and easy solution to something that made me so worried and nervous. I know there is a great story in there which is why I am writing this post. Now the big trick to pull out of my hat is that next time I get myself all worked up and worried over something I just have to remember this broken lock and key story.
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